Jul 12, 2011

Bridal Do It Yourself Series.

We will be looking all over the internet for the best bridal makeup and hair tutorials we can find. Not everyone can splurge on a makeup artist on their wedding day and that's why we will narrow down the tutorials for you. we will look for the best and most educational tutorials out there. Also there are little tricks that will do wonders for bridal hair styles, so stay tuned with QuickFix to get your bits of information. We will also talk about Skin care prior to the big day as well as staying stress free.

Here is the firs video. This is Emily Noel with a "Bridal Bonanza". Make sure to click through the video for the videos that follow this one.

"Flawless Face"

"Cry Proof Eyes"                      

"2 in 1 Hair Styles"                    


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